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Novel Spray Formed Si-Al alloy for electronic applications
The properties of traditional packaging can no longer satisfy the needs of rapid development of microelectronic technology.Therefore,a variety of SI-Al alloys suitable for application in electronics industries have been developed with Rapid Solidification technique in our company.The Rapid Solidification high silicon content(20~70wt%) alloys show fine and homogeneous microstructures,excellent comprehensive properties,and particular they have lower thermal expansion coefficients,higher heat conductivity and low density(MMCs),the novel alloys can be machined with the traditional electronic packaging materials.The novel Si-Al alloy materials can be machined with traditional cutting tools ,and can be readily coated with Ni,Au,Ag,and Cu.Besides,the vertically alloys have been successfully applied in aerospace industry such as RF/microwave magnifier with 30% weight reduction compared with the packaging made of Kovar alloy.Here,below is the final product manufactured by our company which being used as housings or packaging in semiconductor arena.